Get More Traction in Your Business.

More income.

More impact.

With no burnout.

Yes! I'm interested in a mastermind! Application for Jan. 2025 is happening NOW!

Wondering how to pick the best mastermind for you?

Download my guide with the 8 most important questions to ask!

What is a Mastermind Group?


A well-led traditional mastermind is a small group of like-minded people who meet regularly to provide:


  • Consistent support

  • High levels of accountability

  • Amazing brainstorming on your business needs

  • Upward momentum

  • And a tight knit community who acts as a sounding board and has your back

What can expert-led mastermind groups from Jen Argue offer?

  • Consistent, well-organized meetings

  • Confidential personal and professional consulting

  • Expert facilitation and meeting structure

  • A community that's held to upper level values of integrity, ingenuity, and initiative

  • Effective problem-solving tools and mindset strategies

  • Effective accountability

  • Carefully curated and matched groups for peak performance

  • A program that overdelivers


What are the benefits of Jen Argue Masterminds?

  • Improved productivity

  • Clarified business goals and strategies

  • A finished product — whether it be a program, course, project, service, or book

  • Companionship with like-minded women entrepreneurs that lets you know that you're not alone

  • A solid sounding board and expert business advice at your fingertips

  • An empowering success-focused mindset that erodes self-doubt

  • Book keeping that's in excellent shape 


Why Join a Mastermind Group?

You'll get...


Access to a carefully curated community and a powerful network of fellow women entrepreneurs who are committed to helping you move forward. 


Strategic accountability and goal setting will motivate you and help you get the results you need to find success!


A fun, thoughtful, and well-facilitated group will inspire you with new, innovative ideas, and business tactics that will take your project or business to the next level!


What other women entrepreneurs, creators, and leaders are saying…

"Jen's coaching, along with the common sense responses from the other group members, encouraged me to see beyond my blind spots and create and complete those ridiculously small, actionable goals. The accountability of facing my cohorts at each meeting spurred me to action, and it surprised me how quickly things got real, how tightly the group bonded."


"Jen has a gift for pulling out the potential in people. She has an absolute beautiful and genuine heart . The Mastermind was a great experience and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to accomplish big goals, see change and progress in their lives, and go about work and life with support instead of struggling alone."

Flo Soul

"Masterminds by Jen Argue enabled me to get clear on my goals and to break them down into doable tasks. The peer support and accountability kept me moving forward on days I wasn’t “feeling it”. I highly recommend Jen's Masterminds to anyone trying to get to the next level in their personal or professional life."


Hi! I'm Jen, 

I founded Jen Argue Masterminds for busy, goal-focused women entrepreneurs who sometimes feel isolated, could use a reliable sounding board, and some hard core accountability. 

When I became a mastermind member all those issues were addressed. Suddenly I was felt motivated, focused, and connected to women just like me who had the experience I did.

It became my mission to empower women to make a thriving income alongside all the drawstrings on our hearts we typically encounter as moms, wives, daughters, and friends. What makes me stand apart is I see self-care as a business strategy. No one has ever burned out on my watch.

Let's see what we can do together and with other bright business women who are committed to your success! 


Joining a Mastermind Group with Jen Argue

A mastermind group is an incredible benefit for ambitious women entrepreneurs who are passionate about overcoming barriers and accomplishing their dreams. If you are highly motivated and if you engage fully in the mastermind group experience, together we will get out of mental and emotional ruts, conquer feelings of loneliness and burnout, and empower one another to be productive and grow. I can’t wait to talk with you and learn about your business goals and dreams!


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